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Brighton Physiotherapy Clinic

At the Brighton Physiotherapy Clinic the treatment approach is a hands on approach, this combined with specific exercises to suit your individual needs. At the Brighton Physiotherapy Clinic the Massage therapists are tertiary qualified and experienced in a broad range of massage techniques. This ensures the highest quality of Massage treatment and care. Remedial Massage Remedial massage is used to treat specific problem areas such as neck or back pain, chronic muscular pain and soft tissue injury. Deep tissue Massage Deep tissue massage focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. The purpose of the treatment is to release patterns of tension in the muscle fibres. Sports Massage Anyone who is physically active will benefit from this massage which will assist in injury prevention, preparation for exercise and muscle soreness.

Contact Details

Address 6/353 Beaconsfield Terrace , Brighton, QLD, Australia, 4017
Phone 07 3269 0144
Fax 07 3269 2214