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Sit Stay Heal Canine Bowen and Massage

Helping your dog feel and move better...
Bowen and Myotherapy for dogs who need help with recovery from injuries, post op recovery and other musculoskeletal problems. 
Bowen and massage help dogs feel themselves again and release stress in their body and mind. Dogs with anxiety and behaviour problems can also benefit from a treatment. 
I am Faye, qualified therapist, and during a session with me, I will identify where your dog is experiencing pain, ease the tension and aches and share some after care advice with you.
I also provide dog walking and pet visits while you are away. I am reliable, trustworthy and insured so you dont have to worry.  Other pets are welcome too!

Contact Details

Address Bracken Ridge, QLD, Australia, 4017
Mobile 0423414017
Business Hours By appointment
