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Surf Connect

The Wind and Kitesurfing specialists. Full range of kiteboarding, windsurfing, wakeboarding, standup paddling, kayaking, blokarts, wetsuits, roof racks, GoPro cameras, even paddle bikes for people to rent or have lessons. Anything you need for the sports we have it. Come and visit and score some great specials now! 170 Flinders Parade, Sandgate.

Kitesurfing -  Kiteboarding

Windsurfing - Standup Paddling

Contact Details

Address 170 Flinders Parade, Sandgate, QLD, Australia, 4017
Phone 07 3137 0500
Mobile 0411 789 888
Fax 07 3314 1566
Business Hours Shop/School (Opens 11am-6pm, other times available by appointment): School & rental appointments available from 6am to 11pm.