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Toastmasters Bracken Ridge

Bracken Ridge Toastmasters is positive and feel good experience that is guided by experienced public speakers and educational professionals. The group meets at 7pm every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Bracken Ridge Library and engages in a agenda of different activities designed to practice a variety of speaking skills. The meeting runs for 2hrs and roles of different difficulty levels are given to participants. Learn at your own pace with the confidence that your club can support you on your journey. Membership is $6/meeting which gives you a Toastmasters Manual for Communication and/or Leadership, monthly printed Toastmasters magazine and a club mentor. Visit our Facebook page or Website for more information or CALL Chris or Dell on 07 5498 3224.

Contact Details

Address 77 Bracken Street, Bracken Ridge, Bracken Ridge, QLD, Australia, 4017
Phone 07 5498 3224
Business Hours Enquiries 8am - 8pm
