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Arthouse Framer Shares Recipe For Success

Story: Sean Leahy
Published On : Jun 23, 2020
Arthouse Framer Shares Recipe  For Success
This July, picture framer Kevan Buckle will have served the northside's art community for 24 years. While you can still find him at Arthouse Picture Framing in Deagon for a few months yet, he will soon be on a new path. Kevan has sold his business to Leah Gordon. He's a craftsman,¯ Leah said, and he's staying on for a few more months to help out, training the new management.¯

Formerly a chef and restaurant owner, Kevan brings the same care and attention to detail to his framing that he brought to fine dining. If you are the chef you wouldn't send a meal out that you wouldn't eat yourself. It's an emotional thing for an artist to create art and it's rewarding to be able to make the work look even better.¯

A stalwart of the local community, sponsoring the Nundah Art Show, Redcliffe Art Society and Bluewater Festival, he's met the art supplies and picture framing needs of customers, from Bribie to the Gold Coast and as far west as Quilpie.

A keen sketcher, this native of Shropshire, is looking forward to a new phase of travel in Europe, cycling and having the time to draw.¯