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New Mural Turns Heads

Story: Jodie Woodward | Photo: Paul Neil
Published On : Jul 27, 2020
New Mural Turns Heads
Look out ' there's a brand-new mural in town. Located on the Telstra Exchange Building, the mural was painted by local artist James Alley from Metagraphics and sponsored by Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Councillor Jared Cassidy, Northside Family Law Centre, and Telstra.

Director at Northside Family Law Centre and project sponsor Cameron Harris said he was drawn to the idea of changing an invisible building¯ into a centrepiece of the local community.

We loved the idea of such a significant-sized mural at the entry to Sandgate that would be there for all to enjoy,¯ Cameron said.

The local area is celebrated through the ideas and images chosen to form the final artwork.

James has an incredible way of looking at things and was able to translate words into an incredible artwork. His tribute to Pebo (and Dagwood) is a touching late addition that honours a true local icon,¯ Cameron said.

The mural now welcomes visitors and locals to Sandgate, and Cameron hopes it brings a smile and sense of community to those who see it.

We're proud to be part of the local Sandgate community and to be able to assist in bringing a piece of vibrant art to the community that will be enjoyed for many years to come,¯ Cameron said.

Artist James Alley from Metagraphics