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Creative Central

Story: Eve Vickerson
Published On : Mar 19, 2021
Creative Central
A  new creative workshop space for hire has opened in Brighton to facilitate learning, laughter and inspiration ' all at the same time.

Venue owner Ruben Jones said that the time was right to offer a space in the area for artists, crafters, and natural therapists to share their wisdom.

I've been a Sandgate local for over 30 years and I just thought that after the events of last year, it was kind of clear to me that there's never been a better time for people to learn and share skills, knowledge, insights, and most importantly, to have fun in the process,ť Ruben said.

There are so many immensely talented, knowledgeable individuals in our local area, as well as in Brisbane, so it made absolute sense to make an ideal venue for small workshop events in art, craft, natural therapies, knowledge, and skill sharing.ť

On the types of events that will feature in the small boutique space, Ruben said that the name Sage and Mirth said it all.

We wanted to combine what would be offered there really, and that's sage, in terms of wisdom and knowledge, and mirth, being joyful fun and expression.ť

To learn more visit