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Happy Place For Clowns Who Brought Joy

Story: Brooke Jacobson
Published On : May 25, 2021
Happy Place For Clowns Who Brought Joy
Sandgate's favourite clowning duo Peebo and Dagwood hold a special place in the hearts of many in the community, and now the pair will have a piece of the 4017 named after them.

Council's new playground on the Sandgate foreshore, at the end of Fifth Avenue, will officially be named Peebo and Dagwood Place, after Peter 'Peebo' and David 'Dagwood' Bissell.

It's been just over 12 months since Peebo's death, and according to Deagon Ward councillor Jared Cassidy, there couldn't be a more fitting tribute.

Originally after Peter passed, there were quite a few people who wanted to erect a statue and I was on board with that, Jared said.

But during COVID, that plan was put on hold and then David came to me and said he had seen the new playground being built and maybe it could be named after him and his brother ' I thought it was a brilliant idea.

Jared launched an online petition, which gathered 2200 signatures in just one week, of which about 1000 came from outside Brisbane city.

There were people from the Gold Coast who signed the petition because they remembered the clowns visiting their children in hospital, he said. I think this just shows how broad their reach was.

According to Jared, Peebo's daughter Millie was particularly excited about the playground being named after her dad and uncle.

David said she was happy to be able to have somewhere to go to sit and remember her dad, and it will be a place filled with laughter and happy families, which is what Peebo and Dagwood were all about, Jared said.

I've been in this job for six years and I've seen a lot of positive things happen in this community, but nothing has unified people like this playground naming.

After such a tough year last year, to have something so positive is really quite nourishing for all of us.

A statement posted on the official Peebo and Dagwood Facebook page said the announcement about the playground naming was exciting news. Dagwood also announced that his niece, Millie, would be clowning around with him in an official capacity at the Lilley Welcoming the Babies event.

The playground will have an official opening on a date yet to be set.