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Got A Creative Idea? Workshopit!

Story: Emma Sanders | Photo: Isabella Lightfoot
Published On : Aug 23, 2021
Got A Creative Idea? Workshopit!
Adding another string to the creative bow that is the 4017 region, Workshopit is a brand new business that combines creativity and community by connecting workshop instructors and participants.

Workshopit is a space where people can get together to learn, create and connect through a wide range of workshops. Situated perfectly in Deagon's creative hub, Workshopit's neighbours include Wallflower, Arthouse Northside, Mancini Art Gallery and Sheeno's Coffee Shop.

Owners Kyrle Spillane and Kate Bishop said the workshops would launch mid-September, giving vendors and participants an all-inclusive event experience.

We wanted to bring something to the community to enable people to connect during these COVID times, Kyrle said.

There was no single workshop venue in the area for either instructors or participants that covered a broad range of themes, so we decided to create one, partnering with people who are passionate about their skill or interest and want to share it with our community.

Workshopit provides the venue, marketing and ticket sales, and the instructor or educator brings their passion and materials. Participants simply book their chosen workshop through Workshopit's website, then attend and enjoy.

Kate said the workshops gave the community a chance to connect with others, and participants could return to experience something different each visit.

There are workshops for everyone, whether you want to learn something new, create something with your bare hands or just hang out and have fun with your friends or meet new ones, she said.

Upcoming creative workshops include planter box making, cheese making and gut health, with more being added all time. We also plan to have something for the children over their school holidays, Kate said.

Kyrle and I are two friends who had a small idea that will hopefully grow into something positive for all the community, and we are so excited to be able to join with talented educators bringing fun and good times to everyone.

For info on available workshops or delivering a workshop visit