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Budget Hacks For Successful Gardens

Story: Alyssa Mackay
Published On : Jan 26, 2022
Budget Hacks for Successful Gardens
If you have noticed more people spending time in the garden lately, you might be wondering how to transform your own garden without digging too deep into your pockets.

The good news is you don’t have to be raking it in to turn your garden into a thriving space.

Gardening consultant and writer, Kate Wall will be presenting her popular workshop, Gardening on a Budget, at the Sandgate Library this month.

Kate said the workshop was suitable for gardeners at all levels of experience.

“Gardening is for everyone and every budget,” Kate said. “But if you don’t know what you are doing, gardening can be full of expensive mistakes. This workshop will help you avoid those mistakes, as will getting a bit of information before you start.

“This can be via local workshops, engaging a garden consultant or borrowing books from the library.”

Workshop participants will learn gardening basics including understanding your site, building great soil and how to choose the right plants.

“Before we spend lots of money on plants, we need to know how to ensure those plants will not just live but also thrive,” Kate said. “Sadly, too many new gardeners start by buying plants then wonder why they don’t thrive. If we start by improving our soil, we will create conditions that plants are far more likely to be happy in.”

Kate has been a subtropical gardener since she was seven years old. She has been sharing her knowledge of sustainable gardening for ten years and has written the books Working with Weeds and Earth Repair Gardening.

“We all need to start by realising that we are wasting so many great resources,” she said. “Do you reuse your grass clippings by composting them? Or do you throw them away? What other things are you throwing away that could be composted to improve your soil? Are you throwing away plants that look bad in one area when they could be moved to the other side of the garden?

“The workshop covers ways to do it all without spending a fortune. It is filled with tips and tricks to save money while creating a fabulous garden.”

To reserve your place call the Sandgate Library on 3667 3022.

Gardening on a Budget
Saturday, 19 February, 11am-12:30pm
Sandgate Library
Seymour Street, Sandgate