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Street Science Shows Off Winning Formula

Story: Alyssa Mackay
Published On : Apr 23, 2022
Street Science Shows Off Winning Formula
Brighton resident Steve Liddell has children’s education down to a science.

As the founder of science education provider, Street Science, Steve said he was proud when the company was named Champion Educational Service at the Australian Small Business Champion Awards in March.

He started the business ten years ago when the concept of science outreach programs didn’t exist.

“No one was travelling to schools, blowing things up and getting kids excited about learning, so it was initially a pretty hard sell,” Steve said. “I created a niche market, however teachers and students loved what we had to offer and they’ve been rebooking us year on year ever since.”

Steve came up with the idea when he was working as a high school maths and science teacher and saw too many kids disengaged in the classroom. He created Street Science as a way to bring science education to life with hands-on workshops and explosive stage shows.

Since 2012, the team have been visiting schools, shopping centres, community events and kids’ parties across the country.

Steve said winning the award was a big deal for the team at Street Science.

“The last two years have been really tough for small businesses and we have worked really hard to innovate and stay ahead of the pack,” he said. “I think this award is a nod to my team who work hard day in and day out, and I hope it will allow us to connect with other local businesses to partner and kick some big goals together.”

Street Science beat 17 other providers in their category, impressing the judges with their quality face-to-face and digital offerings. Now they plan to take Street Science to the world.

“Wouldn’t it be amazing to take an idea, conceived right here in 4017 and conquer not just the Australian education market, but let’s go bigger and see what we can do on a global scale,” Steve said.

“We are working hard to build our offerings so kids all over the world can engage with exciting science experiences and we’re looking at ways that we can support families to build confidence in their children’s learning ability.”