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Free Hearing Checks

Story: Patricia Higgins
Published On : Jul 23, 2022
Free Hearing Checks
Yes you heard right, Hearing Australia will be offering free hearing screenings to the public at Brighton Wellness Hub.

The community centre is providing the location for the hearing tests to take place on August 11 as part of its commitment to helping people with their health and wellbeing.

Katie Chan, Engagement Support Office at Brighton Wellness Hub said the free hearing checks would be limited to 15 minutes per person but that there would be more on offer — including information on hearing health.

“Hearing Australia is offering service information, help with device maintenance and more,” Ms Chan said.

The free hearing screening is just one event in a range of activities and services regularly scheduled at Brighton Wellness Hub, which can include anything from technology demonstrations through to barefoot bowling.

“We provide a range of activities and services – most free, some with a small fee,” is the information provided on the Brighton Wellness Hub webpage on the Queensland Government Community and Oral Health Metro North Health website.

To learn more about upcoming events, Ms. Chan advised visiting and clicking the link to Brighton Wellness Hub.

To secure your free hearing check, call to book your spot on 07 3631 7568.

Hearing Australia Free Hearing Screenings
Thursday 11th August, 10am-1pm
Brighton Wellness Hub
Crn 19th Ave and Hornibrook Highway, Brighton.