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Bracken Ridge Carols Spectacular Is Back

Story: Aleasha Bliss
Published On : Nov 18, 2021
Bracken Ridge Carols Spectacular is Back
Bracken Ridge Baptist Church is excited to present the 2021 Carols Spectacular at Norris Road State School Oval this December.

The event has been a community favourite over the years, celebrating family, friends, and the local area with a night of festive songs and Christmas fun.

The evening will excite the entire family with a massive Christmas Carols production from 7pm, and the carols festival from 4.30pm - with food trucks, market stalls and ' for the first time ' rides for the little ones.

Bracken Ridge Baptist Church lead pastor Dave Luthy is excited about the Christmas event, as it couldn't happen last year due to COVID.

He said it was a night that everyone in the community could be involved in.

Preparations are well underway at the moment, he said. We have already got a show prepared and we're going to be starting practices soon.

The Carols Spectacular is a wonderful time for all of our community to get together after having not been together for a long time. We are looking forward to the carols and getting in the Christmas spirit together.

Santa will also be making an appearance at the event ' but not in his recognisable fluffy, red suit. This year he will be rocking board shorts to keep cool in the sizzling summer heat.

Pastor Dave said the grand finale fireworks were always an incredible part of the night and families always enjoyed seeing the skies light up just before 8.30pm.

The Carols Spectacular is one of the biggest community events that happens in this area, so we often have a few thousand people coming along, and it is something that the community has always really valued, he said.

I think the reason that it's been so highly valued is because it is a very high-quality carols production, and a great way to get everyone in the zone for Christmas.

Bring your picnic blankets, family and singing voices to join in the festivities on the night.

For more information, search Bracken Ridge Carols Spectacular on Facebook.

Bracken Ridge Carols Spectacular
Sunday, 12 December, 4.30-8.30pm
Norris Road State School Oval
28 Greenore Street, Bracken Ridge