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Green Thumbs Ready For Fresh Planting

Story: Brooke Jacobson | Photo: John Pires
Published On : Mar 20, 2024
Green Thumbs Ready For Fresh Planting
Things are certainly blooming at the Brighton Handmade Collective, with a new garden centre set to open this month.

Business owner, Sara Boase, said she was delighted to be expanding the space on Brighton Road.

“The garden centre will run the length of the building and out into the backyard, it’s probably around 100 square metres,” she said.

“We’re thrilled and the locals are so excited – as soon as you say, ‘garden centre’ people’s heads whip around.

“This will double our footprint and we’re excited to be offering this new addition.”

Qualified horticulturist and landscaper, Harrison Schell, will be running the garden centre.

He has been a part of the Brighton Handmade Collective since the beginning and has been planning the garden centre expansion for some time.

“There will be lots of indoor plants, and we will also be dabbling in chillies and other produce plants,” Harrison said.

“People can expect to see terrariums, carnivorous plants, and some larger landscaping plants, along with specialised soil and fertiliser.”

Harrison added gardening had become a popular hobby in recent years, with the rise of “plant mamas” on Instagram contributing to the craze.

“The thing about gardening is, it’s the joy of caring for something and the peace of mind it brings – it takes you away from the mundane life stuff,” he said.

“You can create your own little sanctuary and there’s a social side to it too. It’s a hobby lots of people relate to and people can learn from each other, they trade plants and tips.”

Harrison has spent a large part of his career in garden design and installation, and that service would also be on offer in the new garden centre.

“People will be able to come here and talk to me about those bigger gardening plans, those big plant installs, and to have that here locally is going to be great,” he said.

“A lot of the bigger plant centres don’t offer that kind of landscaping advice, so hopefully people will take advantage of that.

The garden centre will officially launch with an open day.

For more information search Facebook for: Imagem and Brighton Handmade Collective

Garden Centre Open Day
Saturday, 6 April, 8am-4pm
Imagem and the Brighton Handmade Collective
210 Brighton Terrace, Brighton.