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EclecTea Brighton

From the moment you walk in the door at EclecTea you step back in time - to any vintage.

EclecTea is a sumptuous feast forthe eyes and the tummy. It is located in an old 50's Post Office and general store, the atmosphere is positively enchanting. With exceptional coffee, gorgeous tea's sourced locally and from Northern NSW - served with real milk and in real cups. And our fridge is always stocked with fresh and completely different yummy delights to feast on.
EclecTea EclecTea EclecTea Dining
The Vintage furniture, clothes and mix of Kitchenallia are an ideal item for presents - or to keep - so come in and browse ourincredible array of bits and bobs to buy.

EclecTea is a place to sit, unwind, look at the beautiful bay and just relax. Sip on thebrews and enjoy the views!Look for regular updates on our Facebook page for all the news and come visit. We'd love to see you

Contact Details

Address 2 Queens Parade, Brighton, QLD, Australia, 4017
Mobile 0418 183 844